Thursday, March 20, 2025

Trump Dooh

The Independent

An analysis by Yale University has found that a budget plan being considered by Republican lawmakers would ultimately transfer wealth from the poorest 40 percent of Americans to the richest 1 percent.

That would make the Red Team the opposite of Robin Hood, Dooh Nibor. 

Saturday, March 15, 2025

Trump II Usurps Justice for "Just Us"

"As chief law enforcement officer for our country  me, me, me, me, me....excuse me, I'm getting ready to break into a solo.  Me, me, me...  grievance.... me, me, one in the history of history has been so unfairly, me, me...... I'm a 78 year old man,  look at these, me, me  .... well from now on it's 'Just Us.'  You people work for me."

---Donarch the Usurprer (also known as Trump II, the digital Caligula)

Update 3-18-25:  The administration of the Chief Law Enforcement Officer ignores judges requests and orders.  Trump bootlickers call for impeachment of judges trying to ensure the Donarch follows the law.

Supreme Court Chief Justice Roberts rebuked Trump II and his minions for wanting to impeach judges for their decisions vs. appealing the matter.

Update 3-22-25Business Insider reported:

"Trump pushes the limits of everything: the legal boundaries, picking fights with massive law firms, he's calling for the impeachment of federal judges," Neama Rahmani, a former federal prosecutor and current trial lawyer, told Business Insider. "So look, say what you want about him, but he seems to be winning — or at least putting a lot of pressure on folks throughout the legal industry to capitulate and bend to his will."

Sane Red Team members are encouraging Trump II to stay within the constitutional lines. 

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

White House Tesla Car Show

"They don't let me drive," said Trump II, the digital Caligula.  But he said he would buy a car anyway.  Trump's new car is a Tesla (Elon Musk's car company).  

Musk heads DOUGEBAG (Department of Ungodly Greedy Executives Biased Against Government).  Hours after the Trumpomercial The Independent reported Musk is considering donating $100 million to a Trump SuperPAC.

If this appears unseemly, it's because it is.  We are in the Golden Age of Shameless Sponsorship, Unconscionable Fraud and Complete Usurpment.  

Insiders win, everyone else "gird yourself."

Update 3-16-25:  The White House added another gig:   "day care":

Sunday, March 9, 2025

Egg Prices? Shut Up!!!

Everything is a prop for the image optimization of Trump II, the digital Caligula.  Shut up, we don't talk about that.....

Friday, March 7, 2025

Freedom to De-Gay History

The "all image, all the time" Trump II decreed the federal government should remove any references to diversity, equity and inclusion.  Who knew the digital Caligula's histrionic order would "nuke" nuclear bomb history?  

The Enola Gay was the name of the bomber that dropped the first nuclear bomb on Hiroshima, Japan in World War II.  
The plane was named after the mother of its pilot, Col. Paul Tibbets, Enola Gay Tibbets.
When leaders don't care to know anything they can do anything, however insane and stupid.

Friday, February 28, 2025

Trump Savage Whims Federal Workers, Ukraine & Gaza


How you treat people matters... alot.

“An organization’s reputational integrity is its greatest currency. When you compromise that, you have lost the loyalty and trust of your employees.  His (Trump/Musk's) approach is going to increase inefficiency by creating an environment marked by instability, a lack of trust and divisiveness.”

What Trump does to the federal employee, he does to the world.  It was on full display today in the Oval Office.   It wasn't the bearded belly dancers with Hamas colored bandanas, but it was close.  

The press conference with Ukrainian President Zelensky was down to "one more question" when Vice President J.D. Vance interjected about a "certain kind of diplomacy."  After Zelensky shared his past experience with Putin diplomacy where agreements were not kept and Ukrainians killed, Vance responded with:

"The kind of diplomacy that's going to end the destruction of your country."  

Attack dog Vance struck first followed by the Donarch.  The pair dressed down the Ukranian President in the Oval Office, then excused him.

Trump disparaged others before the final blow-up, hitting Presidents Bush, Obama and Biden, Hillary Clinton, Hunter Biden, as well as CNN (which he encouraged to focus on survival, like Ukraine).

Near the end of the meeting Trump emphasized (not yelling like Zelensky):

They (Russia) respect me.

Trump closed the meeting with "This is going to be great television."

The Vance/Trump/Zelensky Oval Office cage match pushed Jeffrey Esptein's "clients" off the front stage.

People are learning from our leaders.  

Evidence suggests that decency, kindness, integrity, maturity, accountability and grace are now maladaptive. Grifting, bullying, sycophancy and a general willingness to externalize costs are most adaptive. Tell your kids.
Not sure that will make anything other than a living hell on earth, like Gaza.

Update 3-1-25:  To make Gaza's hell more real or expand its scope Trump approved the emergency sale of $3 billion in weapons to Israel, bypassing Congress:

A former Russian President said this of Trump's tantrum yesterday in "the Oval":
“the insolent pig (Zelensky) finally got a proper slap down in the Oval Office.”
Trump knows how to give a spanking.  Zelensky should be grateful the Donald did not use a magazine with his picture on the cover.

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Sorry to See & Hear

Ambassador Chas Freeman said this about President Trump's interaction with French Prime Minister Emanuel Macron on European financing of Ukraine:

"I am really speechless.  This is our leader, our elected leader basically purveying falsehoods, not accepting a straight statement of the truth, continuing to insist on his delusions and doing this in a childish manner.  I am very sorry to see this."

It's but another Trump savage whim, for your listening stress-ure.
