Sunday, May 5, 2024

State Police Enforce UVA's Unclear "Recreational Tent" Rules

One might expect University Police to deal with Gaza War protestors violating unclear tent regulations at the University of Virginia.  That did not happen with a recent anti-war protest.
Jefferson strongly believed that every American should have the right to prevent the government from infringing on the liberties of its citizens. Certain liberties, including those of religion, speech, press, assembly and petition, should be sacred to everyone.
That was the 33 year old Jefferson.  The older version shared more in common with Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin, who ordered the police intervention alongside UVA President Jim Ryan.  

Youngkin spent decades with The Carlyle Group, a politically connected private equity underwriter (PEU).  Jefferson was the first person to take out a loan using his slaves as collateral.  He did so despite having access to an estate with only one requirement for accessing the money.  Jefferson had to free his slaves.  Older TJ took on debt instead.

In some cases the entrenched, enriched classes cannot let go of their ways of making money and using power.  As usual, the little, unimportant people and their supporters pay the price.

Fifteen people roughed up and tear gassed for protesting the widespread killing of innocent women and children in a war zone.  I wonder what Thomas Jefferson, the younger would think.  The older version might well have pulled a Youngkin.  "Little Gazas" should also be razed.  Acts of repression do not go unchallenged by those watching.  

"An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind."

Update 5-9-24:  It took University police, Charlottesville PD and Virginia State Troopers to clear protestors.

Update 5-13-24:  On the ethical passion of the young:
Young people — least inclined to deference, most inclined to moral outrage — are leading public opposition to the ongoing slaughter in Gaza.

And the passionless, unethical criticize.  

As the killing, maiming, devastation, and increasing starvation in Gaza have continued, month after month, the U.S. role has become incomprehensible — without, at least, attributing to the president and the vast majority of Congressional representatives a level of immorality that had previously seemed unimaginable to most college students. Like many others in the United States, protesting students are now struggling with the realization that the people in control of the executive and legislative branches are directly supporting mass murder and genocide.

And Ari Fleischer returns, once again a mouthpiece for the war machine. 

It is a bit surprising how quickly the masks of respectability are coming off, as the servants of power grow eager to demonstrate their loyalty.