Wednesday, January 25, 2023

2024 No More Trump, No More Biden

This independent voter wants to know why politicians have classified documents in their homes, cars, storage facilities and offices.  Presidents Trump and Biden, as well as Vice President Pence, have all had classified documents where they should not have been.  

Both political teams look stupid defending their guys while attacking the opposite team for doing likewise.

A second area where political parties suck is government ethics.  The Red Team defended President Donald Trump's cash franchise Trump Hotel in downtown D.C.  

The glittering Trump International Hotel housed and entertained numerous Republican officials, candidates and lawmakers throughout the Trump presidency, to the tune of hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Once Trump sold the hotel the Red Team took their money elsewhere:

An Insider examination of FEC records show that the GOP has spent just under $2,000 there since Trump handed over the lease. That accounted for the hotel stays of four Republicans, including Reps. Marjorie Taylor Greene and Lauren Boebert.

That's a far cry from the at least $670,000 spent by GOP officials, candidates and PACs at the hotel throughout the same five-month period in 2018 — not including revenue from bars and restaurants (including these, CREW placed the total spend at $867,000).

Both periods cover the busy midterm campaign seasons for their respective years.

The Blue Team expressed concern over wealthy citizens or foreign governments spending money at the Trump hotel to influence White House policy.  The Red Team personally enriched Trump via his D.C. hotel.

Now that Joe Biden is in the White House  that same concern could apply Hunter Biden's art.  A former White House ethics official raised concerns about this arrangement.  

Former President Obama's ethics chief Walter Shaub ripped into the first son's art venture last year during an appearance on Law & Crime’s "Objections" podcast.

"There is simply no way an artist who has never even juried into a community center art fair is going to suddenly show up in New York selling art for half a million a pop," Shaub said. "Let's talk about the magnitude of this. . . . That’s $6.5 million going to the president’s son for being the president’s son, not for being an artist, and I just think that’s absolutely appalling."

Can Donald Trump and Joe Biden take their improperly stored classified documents and challenged ethics and please leave come 2024?  Please.

Update:  Facebook and Instagram aren't helping Trump go away.

Update 1-26-23:  A conservative columnist said Trump is “ranting like a deranged hobo in a dilapidated public park.”

Update 1-27-23:  New Hampshire leaders for the Insane Red Team want Trump to go away, at least 70% would like that to happen.

Update 2-1-23:  Former President Donald Trump took the fifth amendment for most questons posed to him in a deposition.  Flashback to 2018 when Trump said:

"You see the mob takes the Fifth," he said in April 2018. "If you're innocent, why are you taking the Fifth Amendment."

Update 2-3-23:  President Biden said "more than half the women in his administration are women."

Update 2-5-23:   Voters want a choice between candidates not named Trump or Biden in 2024.

Update 4-23-23:  A mere 6% of Americans are excited about a Biden-Trump rematch.   Already 38% feel exhaustion over the prospect of a Trump-Biden race.

Update 7-11-23:  The Red and Blue political teams are intent on pushing a Trump-Biden rematch.  Trump's dysfunctional personality is front and center while Biden's is less visible.  Axios did a story calling Biden "Old Yeller."  Delusional Sexual Abuser vs. Cursing Cranky Decrepit.  

Update 8-26-23:  Former President Trump has a new picture he's using for fundraising (legal fees):

Update 9-4-23:  Just heard President Biden give a Labor Day speech where he said he was sworn in as President January 2020.  Missed it by 365 days.

Update 9-15-23:  Blue Team elected officials privately say Biden is too old to run for reelection.  A Red Teamer said of Trump:

"[Trump] has none of the qualities you would want in a president, and all of the qualities you wouldn’t.”

Senate Majority Leaders Mitch McConnell called Trump an idiot.  A former Trump attorney cited his "malignant narcissistic tendency to simply say that he’s never done anything wrong.”

Update 9-17-23:   While attacking Biden's cognition Trump revealed his brain flaws in a gaffe filled speech.

Sixty seven percent of Blue Team voters don't want President Biden on the ticket for 2024.  Sixty four percent said a Trump/Biden rematch would make them thing our political system is broken.

Update 11-8-23:  David Axelrod said the Blue Team has a Biden problem.  This after the Blue Team did well in a number of states.

Update 11-9-23:  Karl Rove wrote:

“Neither party’s front-runner will be easily dislodged. But if no changes are made, Americans will get the worst dumpster fire of a campaign in history.”

Update 11-11-23:  Should Trump win in 2024 he wants to implement sweeping immigration raids, giant camps and mass immigration.  

Update 1-18-24:  The Hill reported:

Former White House attorney Ty Cobb is sharply criticizing former President Trump for his courtroom behavior during his defamation trial regarding E. Jean Carroll, who accuses Trump of raping her in the 1990s.

“This is Trump at his worst, and I don’t think we’re going to see anything much different between now and November..”

Update 1-20-24:  Cognitive... Trump confused Red competitor Nikki Haley with Blue Team's Nancy Pelosi.  

Update 6-24-24:  The Biden-Trump debate will take place Thursday on CNN.  Uggghhhh!

Update 6-27-24:  The debate left many people unsettled.  "No More Trump, No More Biden"

Friday, January 20, 2023

NRCC Stops Updating Santos' Lying Bios

The National Republican Congressional Committee tried to scrub Representative elect George Santos bio information on the NRCC website.  On December 27th the NRCC dropped the bio with Santos professional lies in favor of a patriotic 9-11 version with Santos mother in the Twin Towers when they were attacked.

Santos mother was not in the United States on 9-11-2001, causing the NRCC to drop Santos bio altogether.  He's now just a face with a weblink. 

NRCC leaders knew about and helped promote George Santos fraudulent information.  Santos and the NRCC are black holes for truth.  

That means another agenda is at hand.  A fake greed and leverage boy is there to protect the real ones.  Politicians Red and Blue love PEU (private equity underwriters) and increasing, more are one.

Update 1-26-23:  Santos filed amended campaign finance reports indicating huge loans did not come from his personal funds.  They identified a new treasurer who said he refused that role and did not sign any documents.

Update 1-29-23:  Santos campaign was a toxic workplace according to workers.  Another called it sloppy.

"How on earth is he still in Congress? How is that possible, and not criminal, or something? It's shocking to me."

A fraudulent system got him in and appears reluctant to puke him out.  House Speaker Kevin McCarthy dodged his role in pushing the Santos fraud on Face the Nation this morning.

Update 1-31-23:  Insider reported "78% of voters in Santos' district want him to step down."  It's voter bipartisanship to punish liars, cheats and frauds.  Something Congress does not understand.

71% of overall voters think it was "wrong" for House Speaker Kevin McCarthy to allow Santos to serve on two committees.  

Update 3-24-23:  The Hill reported:

Santos will formally confess to defrauding a Rio de Janeiro clerk of $1,300 in clothes and shoes in 2008 and pay damages to the victim

Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Independent Voter Disgusted

The George Santos fraud continues to be revealed.  It seems that Santos lies repeat throughout his campaign in fractal form.  His lies appear at nearly every level of view.

A Vice Chair for the National Republican Congressional Committee acted like Santos perpetrated his fraudulent campaign without their assistance.  

“It’s very clear his entire resume and life was manufactured until a couple days ago, when he finally changed his website.”

The NRCC foisted Santos' lies on the voting public via its website, which got revised on December 27, 2022.  

“Senior House Republicans were apparently aware of the inaccuracies and embellishments in the member-elect’s resume, and the topic became a 'running joke.'"

Now the House of Representatives plans to wash away all of George Santos' frauds, perpetrated in conjunction with Senior House Republicans.  

The Insane Red Team has accountability in name only.  Until that changes, they will not get this independent voter to support any of their candidates.  

George Santos is a "gone too far" moment for representative democracy.  The Red Team should police itself, but that capability is long gone.  It left when sanity fled the party.

Update 1-20-23:  The NRCC updated their information on George Santos after immigration records showed Santos' mother was not in the United States on 9-11-2001.  Therefore she could not have been in the Twin Towers.

Monday, January 9, 2023

Gay Brazilian Cracker Congressman

Fraudster George Santos found staff willing to work for an unethical Congressman.

Santos hired “fixer” Viswanag Burra, a former aide to Steve Bannon and producer of Bannon’s “War Room” podcast. 
Burra is also the executive secretary of the New York Young Republicans club, which drew headlines for its president saying at a recent gala that he wanted “total war” and pledged to “do the streets.”.  

Which also explains why Santos flashed the Cracker symbol used by White Supremacists.  It's the latest window into the Insane Red Team.

Update 1-12-23:  Rep. George Santos may not be a real PEU after all.   Ethically he stinks but he may only be a PEU wannabee.  Santos made it into the realm where connected people push copious amounts of cash around to one another.

Update 1-14-22:  Video shows George Santos introducing himself as Anthony Devolder in 2019.  Santos is reflective of societal ills.  One columnist attributed his rise to a lack of local investigative reporting.  Another said:

(Santos) lies are the product of a political system that incentivizes dishonesty, punishes sincerity and is rife with opportunities for petty crooks. In that sense, Santos is the politician that we deserve.

I would offer Santos is there to serve the PEU class.  Politicians Red and Blue love PEU and increasingly, more are one.  Fraudster Santos is there to save PEU preferred "carried interest" taxation, get a regulatory format in place for crypto and steer Uncle Sam's wallet to the greed and leverage boys, as well as his personal pocketbook.  

Update 1-19-23:   A story revealed George Santos participated in drag queen events in Brazil  How'd he go from firecracker to plain cracker?

Update 1-22-23:  Santos admitted he'd been "young and had fun at a festival" when shown pictures of him at a drag queen contest.

Update 2-3-23:  Santos rang up traffic tickets like resume embellishments.

Update 2-4-23:  Santos added an assault rifle pin to his House attire.  Yet another Santos lie has been revealed:

Santos told some potential donors during his 2022 congressional campaign that he produced the 2011 Broadway musical “Spider-Man: Turn Off the Dark.”

Monday, January 2, 2023

Cheater of the House

Elected officials fail to realize that independent voters want Congress to cease being an ethical cesspool.  The Insane Red team is going in the other direction.

Time reported on Kevin McCarthy's pursuit of the Speaker of the House:

.... buried in the text was another provision that could be highly consequential for the new Congress being sworn in on Tuesday: language that would effectively gut the Office of Congressional Ethics (OCE), as the independent panel faces pressure to investigate lawmakers who participated in the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol.

Most significantly, McCarthy’s proposal would require OCE to hire its staff for the 118th Congress within 30 days of the resolution’s adoption, a requirement that sources familiar with the process tell TIME would make it exceedingly difficult for the office to have the resources it needs to conduct its investigations, given how long it takes to hire candidates for roles in the federal government. The proposal would also block OCE from hiring new employees over the next two years if someone leaves their position, sources say.

“Republicans get to take control of the House, and on their first day in Congress, they are not trying to take a hammer to the OCE—they’re being a little smarter about it—but they’re taking a scalpel to it,” a Hill source familiar with the ethics process tells TIME.

A former Chair of the House Ethics Committe was recently the lobbyist for FTX.  This says something about the Insane Red Team and their Blue Lucy counterparts.

Update 1-3-23:  The House cannot do business until a Speaker is selected.   The Insane Red Team failed to do so in three rounds of voting today.  It's not a shutdown but a failure to launch.

Update 1-7-23:  Kevin McCarthy won Speaker of the House in the 15th ballot after negotiating with extreme members of the his Insane Red Team.  One House member astutely observed:

“We would have won more seats in 2022 but too many feared the extremes in the GOP even before this.”

Many of those same extreme Insane Red Team members had their hands in the Jan. 6th insurrection, which saw its second anniversary yesterday.  Insane with no shame...portends poorly for our country.

Update 1-9-23:  Newly elected Insane Red Rep. Cory Mills joked about the criminal attack on Paul Pelosi.  

The Insane Reds will likely cause great financial harm to the U.S. over the debt limit come summer.

The specter of default, of missing payments and shaking faith in the United States, hangs over all debt ceiling debates

Update 1-16-23:   House Speaker Kevin McCarthy played a role in pushing the George Santos con on New York voters.  

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) admitted Monday he “always had a few questions” about the resume of Rep. George Santos (R-N.Y.)

McCarthy's right hand man Dan Conston was aware of the fraud.  It's nice that boss McCarthy admitted that he knew as well. 

Update 3-9-23:   Speaker Kevin McCarthy flip flopped on January 6th.  His forceful words the day of and davs after the insurrection are ancient history.  McCarthy gave Fox News pinhead Tucker Carlson access to over 40,000 of Capital video footage.  Pucker used it to portray the event as a picnic.