In honor of Trump II, the digital Caligula's attendance at today's Super Bowl, I offer the following end zone suggestions.
Sunday, February 9, 2025
NFL End Zone Ideas for Trump II Super Bowl LIX
In honor of Trump II, the digital Caligula's attendance at today's Super Bowl, I offer the following end zone suggestions.
Saturday, February 8, 2025
Trump Never Mentioned Jesus at National Prayer Breakfast
President Trump spoke at the National Prayer Breakfast for nearly 35 minutes. He did not mention Jesus name in his remarks. Not one time.
Trump stated in his remarks:
...I think what is going to happen is we’re all going to sit down and do a great computerized system for our control towers, brand-new — not pieced together, obsolete, like it is — land-based — trying to hook up a land-based system to a satellite system.
...let’s spend less money and build a great system.” Done by two or three companies — very s- — good companies, specialists. That’s all it is.
So, we’re going to have the best system and it’s a lot of money, but it’s not that much money. And it’ll happen fast, and it’ll be done by total professionals. And when it’s done, you’re not going to have accidents. It’s just not — they’re not — they’re virtually not possible to have.
Plane crashes are not possible to happen? Is this Git-eon testing God?
Trump's libertarian, live forever TechGods are constantly usurping the faith realm. They've stolen creation with artificial intelligence, genetic tampering, forming new elements and their insatiable need to turn the human into anything techno-computer-cyber, however grotesque and distorted.
Trump II, the digital Caligula, showed his "love for religion" by appointing a White House faith advisor. Paula White touts the prosperity gospel, a theology rejected by many Christians.
“Even though President Trump is enforcing laws that line up with our values, that doesn’t mean he has any clue what biblical Christianity is or why it matters,” Christian podcast host John Mason wrote on X. “Paula White is a known heretic and known false teacher who has no regard for the Gospel of Jesus Christ.”
Rev. Norman Vincent Peale taught Donald Trump to worship himself. That may what attendees experienced at this year's National Prayer Breakfast.
Wednesday, February 5, 2025
Trump Wants to Build One Giant Settlement
What's Scarier: ERIK or Eric?
Sunday, February 2, 2025
Emperor Trump Flings Tariffs
Trump II, the digital Caligula, gave a thumb's down on Canada and Mexico by instituting new tariffs on goods from our trading partners. WSJ called it "the dumbest trade war in history."
The political Red Team once had "free trade" as a core tenet and touted its "dollar extender" benefits. No more. Candidate Donald promised to bring down prices. President Trump is doing the exact opposite.
A 25% tariff is an additional tax on the American consumer. Trump's stable of billionaire supporters, private equity underwriters (PEU) and TechGods don't pay 25% on their obscene wealth.
How can Canada and Mexico get back in $TRUMP's good graces? Do their Central Banks buy meme coins?
Trump accepts various forms of fealty. Friends have to be especially fawning. Hear that Canada and Mexico?
Update 2-3-25: Former Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell noted on Trump's tariffs:
“It will drive the cost of everything up. In other words, it will be paid for by American consumers. I mean, why would you want to get in a fight with your allies over this?”
Trump postponed the enactment of his tariffs on Canada and Mexico for 30 days.
Profits from insider trading will be taxed at a rate below Trump's 25% tariffs. Trump wanted no testing during the COVID pandemic. I'm sure he wants none of his people looked at for insider trading. No investigation, no findings.
Thursday, January 30, 2025
Trump's Speech Sorely Lacking
I listened to President Donald J. Trump's speech on the tragic plane crash over the Potomac River. He sounded Presidential with compassion for the victims and empathy, saying that our country grieved with family members impacted by the tragedy. Oddly, I heard him state something about "strong opinions which I will get to" and then Trump brought up President Obama's FAA. I scolded the the car radio before turning it off.
Later I read his digs at prior administrations. The dead are not even all recovered, much less in the ground, and this pinhead played politics with last night's horrific plane to helicopter accident.
After showing early promise, Trump failed miserably. Sixty seven people died in the accident and an investigation will determine why. Next time Mr. President, please keep your strong opinions to yourself, especially those regarding bullshit.
2-3-25: As of today all 67 bodies have been recovered from the Potomac. Captain Sully Sullenberger's reaction to Trump's words: "Not surprised. Disgusted."
2-8-25: Trump similarly soiled the Office of the Presidency with his Gaza development comments. He united most of the world against his "Riviera of the Middle East (without all those Palestinians)" vision.
Tuesday, January 28, 2025
Acosta Out at CNN, Trump's Sermon Revenge Ongoing
I flipped the channel in time to hear this announcement from reporter Jim Acosta, the son of Cuban immigrants.
Don't give in to the lies, Don't give in to the fear, Hold on to the truth.
Consider what one Bishop's preaching "mercy" to Trump II, the digital Caligula, unleashed.
Twenty members of the House of Representatives rushed to put a salve on Trump II's bruised ego as they wield the "full counsel of biblical teaching."
Only one of the twenty is a preacher, Rev. Mark Harris of North Carolina, however Harris is not the bill's sponsor. That honor goes to rancher, small business owner, former Congressional staffer and former Oklahoma state representative Josh Breechen.
Biblical teaching involves not lying or bearing false witness. Rev. Harris:
directed the hiring of Leslie McCrae Dowless for his campaign even though Harris received personal warnings in 2016 that Dowless had almost certainly used questionable tactics when working for a previous campaign.
Harris's son, who is a federal prosecutor, told the board that he had repeatedly warned his father about Dowless and that Dowless might be involved in illegal activities
Harris lost that election due to election fraud perpetrated by Dowless. One might question the judgement of Rep. Rev. Mark Harris if he chose not to listen to his son's advice regarding the employment of an unethical operator for his political campaign.
Underlings behaving badly to give the boss what he wants...that's one of many themes for Trump II. Others include:
Trump - The E. Coli of U.S. Politics
Tyrannical Rectums Usurping as Much as Possible - TRUMP
Golden Calf Age of America
Era of Sponsorship (Not Anywhere Close to Meritocracy)
Golden Age of Fraud (checks and balances only apply to fraudulent income)
Conflicts of Interest Magically Vaporized!
The Age of Usurpment
Underlings Behaving Badly (with Biblical Cover as full counsel )
Sunday, January 26, 2025
Getting Loomered under Trump II
Trump advocate Laura Loomer flew with the President during the campaign but finds herself shunned after challenging Elon Musk's pro "H1B visa" stance. Musk deplatformed Loomer on "X", taking away her main income stream.
“It’s outrageous, I worked my a‑‑ off to help President Trump get elected and now I am being retaliated against, censored, and deliberately financially attacked as an independent journalist by one of his admin officials.”Laura is learning about power and the vagaries of its exercise. Larry Summers noted the "insider" rule:
"I had a choice. I could be an insider or I could be an outsider. Outsiders can say whatever they want. But people on the inside don’t listen to them. Insiders, however, get lots of access and a chance to push their ideas. People — powerful people — listen to what they have to say. But insiders also understand one unbreakable rule: They don’t criticize other insiders."--Larry Summers, Ph.D.Loomer tied her wagon to a man that has one primary focus, to say and do whatever he needs to in the present moment to optimize his power, wealth and influence while eviscerating anyone who would stand in his way. Laws are of no impediment or consequence.
A malignant narcissist does not have friends, supporters, principles, or colleagues. They have people and things that they use for their own selfish and vain desires of the moment. They will use you, abuse you, and throw you away. They will take every opportunity to bully the weak, and bring misery to those who do not have the power to stop them.If you have ever dealt with a true narcissist, either at work, or among acquaintances, or even family, you will understand that there is no way to reason with them, no way to really work together. You may serve, and it will not be pleasant, but that is the best you would expect.
The best example of the ultimate malignant narcissist I could think of is Satan. And he will not serve.
So, Jesse, what then are we to do? Most people who realize we are in a tough spot choose to make whatever peace they need to get by, hope to make a great deal of money, and then retreat to some fortress in a distant land.
Even those who are nominally religious pin their hopes on a 'rapture,' to abandon the world and look on with the smugness of membership in the exceptional.
We know what we have been told what to do. We just don't want to hear it, since it is not to our liking. But that is how things are. And how they have been before, for our parents and grandparents, and their parents, although we like to think that we are special, unique.
Need little, want less, love more. For those who abide in God abide in love, and love in them.
Wednesday, January 22, 2025
Trump's Jan 6 Pardons: Another Savage Whim
The second day of Trump II, the digital Caligula's reign, saw all persons pardoned for their role in the January 6, 2021 insurrection. The Capital Dome was defiled, defaced and degraded by Trump's 1776 storm troopers.
“I don’t want to see people hurt, or injured, in any way."And that's why Trump sat on his keister for three hours while his mob waged war on the U.S. Capital. Spare me.
Sunday, January 19, 2025
Grift is Good
Then Jesus entered the temple and drove out all who were selling and buying in the temple, and he overturned the tables of the money changers and the seats of those who sold doves.
13 He said to them, “It is written, ‘My house shall be called a house of prayer,’ but you are making it a den of robbers.”
Update 1-24-25: WallStreetonParade tackled the Trump memecoin grift.
Thursday, January 9, 2025
Supplication in the Age of Sponsorship
I'll give you "truth"I'll give you money (lots of it)I'll give you anything for my continued advantage (taxes, regulations, federal $, etc.)
An open-air bazaar has replaced a black market of influence-peddling. It’s unsettling to reporters who are used to having to dig around for evidence of pay-to-play, but it’s fascinating to watch everyone say the quiet part out loud.
Update 1-15-24: Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos and Mark Zuckerberg will attend Trump II's coronation and may even sit together.
Conservative WaPo columnist Jennifer Rubin resigned in response to Jeff Bezos full throated MAGA suckup and Trump II's authoritarian predilections.