For three minutes an American Naval S-3 reconnaissance plane talked with Venezuelan authorities. During that time, the aircraft made its way over La Orchila, an island with a military base and one of President Hugo (Huge Ego) Chavez's residences.
The official U.S. excuse is a naval plane on a counter-narcotics mission had "navigational problems" that led it to briefly enter Venezuelan airspace. "A US S-3 aircraft conducting counter-drugs operations lost navigational situational awareness causing it to fly into Venezuelan airspace off the mainland coast," the statement added.
What are the odds a reconnaissance aircraft would lose situational awareness over key Venezuelan military and political assets?
The official U.S. excuse is a naval plane on a counter-narcotics mission had "navigational problems" that led it to briefly enter Venezuelan airspace. "A US S-3 aircraft conducting counter-drugs operations lost navigational situational awareness causing it to fly into Venezuelan airspace off the mainland coast," the statement added.
What are the odds a reconnaissance aircraft would lose situational awareness over key Venezuelan military and political assets?