The Jerusalem Post reported:
Western countries need to mobilize together into a coalition that will strike at Iran’s nuclear facilities, former head of the Mossad Danny Yatom said on Sunday.The impetus for Western countries to align and attack came from another JP story:
Yatom said that Israel could not live with a nuclear Iran.
International Atomic Energy Agency chief Yukiya Amano on Monday warned that he cannot confirm that all of Iran's nuclear activities are peaceful because Teheran is not fully cooperating with his inspectors.The Pentagon has put together $90 billion in arms sales to Saudi Arabia. America's friends in the region will need to rule the skies and seas after Iran is taught a lesson.
Amano also chided Iran for barring some of those inspectors and for stonewalling his agency's attempt to probe allegations that Teheran is interested in developing atomic arms.
The narrative grows piece by piece.