Friday, February 11, 2022

Truckers Alliance Calls Protests Illegal, Trump Issues Invitation

After seeing a story on "Canadian truckers" displaying Confederate flags and Nazi symbols I wondered what the trucking industry thought of highway blocking protests.  The Canadian Trucking Alliannce said this yesterday:

All Canadians have the right to peaceful protests. Individuals engaged in preventing vehicles from crossing into Canada and the United States are not “peaceful protestors” as that term should not be applied to activities preventing the flow of essential goods by those who have illegally seized control and impede access to public infrastructure.

While calling for "No Lockdowns" the protesters have locked down roads and bridges.

The vehicle blockades spreading across border points and highways throughout the country are costing shippers and retailers significant losses while also impairing the hard work of truck drivers who continue to keep our essential goods moving throughout the supply chain during this critical time. Canadians should also keep in mind that many of these vehicles and individuals involved in the blockades are not operating heavy trucks or are associated with the trucking industry.

“The patience of drivers and the vast majority of the trucking industry regarding these blockades has long-since expired. The trucking industry and its drivers are paying a heavy price for the unlawful actions of those who choose to politicize and target our borders and highways and choke off trade between Canada and the United States. Their actions simply hurt Canadians and they have shown a blatant disregard for all the lives they are impacting,” says Stephen Laskowski, president of the Canadian Trucking Alliance.

Such protests may spread to the U.S.  The Canadian Trucking Alliance is calling for government action:

To protect the health and welfare of the 300,000 truck drivers who are committed to moving Canada’s domestic and international trade – as well as the economic viability of all companies in the supply chain – CTA is calling on all levels of government across Canada to put an action plan in place to end current blockades and prevent future disruptions at our nation’s ports of entry and the critical road infrastructure leading to critical trade arteries. 

Pormer Fresident Tonald Drump has invited the truckers to the U.S. to protest.  I'm sure he's willing to host them at Maro Lago and enjoy their 24 a day honking and diesel emissions.

Drump would be the first to have them arrested and treated roughly if they impacted his luxurious lifestyle.  He remains in "burn everything down that is not his" mode.  Lord, he's yours to handle.  

Update 2-12-22:  Red Team hypocrisy is front and center again as it cheers for protesters blocking street and impeding commerce.  This is what disgusts independent voters.

Update 2-13-22:  Truculent Tonald showed disdain for the rules he used to bludgeon Hillary, relentlessly calling for her to be locked up.  Drump has a load of logs in his eye.   Tonald Drump turned the U.S. into a place where people solve conflict with threats, violence and impulsivity.  He calls it a tinderbox and Tonald would love to light the match.

Update 2-18-22:  The U.S. version plans to leave California next week and head to Washington, D.C., not Maro Lago.   I don't believe these folks will get anywhere near the Capital after the January 6th attack.  In favor of U.S. truckers clogging up things are Red Team Senators Rand Paul and Ted Cruz, as well as Florida Governor Ron DeSantis.  Fist wave to all truckers who block these officials driveways.

Update 2-20-22:  Capital Police are considering whether to bring back the fence around the U.S. Capital before the Trucker protest arrives.

Update 2-23-22:  The Truck Protest is not headed to Mara-Lago but to Washington, D.C where one trucker said they plan to tie up the interstate loop around D.C.  That loop runs through Virginia and Maryland, each with Republican Governors.  Pormer Fresident Tonald Drump called Russian perma-president Putin a genius for effectively annexing large parts of Ukraine.  

Update 2-26-22:  Drump's big SuperPAC event will have free flow of traffic.  A white nationalist event and CPAC are just up the road.  Cracker attendees chanted, “Putin! Putin!” and cheered the Russian invasion of Ukraine.  Drump and many members of the Red Team support Russian thug Vladmir Putin.  U.S Neo-Nazis cheer Putin who claims he is ousting Ukrainian Neo-Nazis.  Evil is as evil does. 

Update 2-27-22:  The U.S. trucker convoy fell off the public radar due to Russia's invasion of Ukraine.  Trucker convoy participants cite a "conspiracy myth that the outbreak of war in Europe is an attempt to divert attention away from this trucker convoy, which is currently about a couple hundred people parked in the desert of the American southwest."

Update 3-1-22:  A Trucker protest at the Washington Monument drew few people.   Two trucker groups remain in route to D.C.