Friday, June 24, 2022

Medical Care Thrown Into Chaos by Underpants Monitors

 The U.S. Supreme Court threw out the Constitutional supported right to terminate a pregnancy via a surgical procedure or prescribed medication.  This issue now falls to states and localities with few physicians as elected officials. 

Women in some states will have to travel more than 500 miles to the nearest abortion clinic

Freedom of religion as actualized by a Red Team dominated Supreme Court feels like enforced mores of conservative Christianity.  The Texas Red Team put bounties on people assisting someone get an abortion before putting same sex relationships into the abnormal category.  The Supreme Court indicated it may go after other privacy rights currently enjoyed by Americans.

Crackers shouting freedom in the U.S. Capital after hurling a fire extinguisher at a policeman's head are likely celebrating the taking away of rights from millions of citizens.

When the U.S. exports democracy to religious based foreign governments the worry is how long it might last.  Our democracy is at risk from religious extremists not content with the freedom to practice their beliefs.  They have to impose their faith on the rest of us.  

Medical care chaos is here and being foisted on our country by a religious minority.  What's next?

Update 6-27-22:  "It's a victory for white life" said one Congresswoman.  State sanctioned forced birth is here and now in many U. S. states.

Update 7-7-22:  This religious minority makes up a majority of the Supremes, many who pray with those bringing cases to the court to impose their religious will on all Americans.  Their will be done.

Update 7-10-22:  Texas Reds show their freedom restricting mettle as Underpants Monitors.  They can not only interfere with healthcare they can restrict interstate commerce.  Commence the underpants posse!

Update 7-11-22:  Several justices wrote a dissenting opinion for the underpants monitoring ruling.

“Today, the court leads us to a place where separation of church and state becomes a constitutional violation.."

Update 7-13-22:   What happens when your widely practiced religion requires abortion to save the life of the mother?  

Update 7-17-22:  Medical harm is well underway thanks to the Supremes.

...a woman bled for more than 10 days from an incomplete miscarriage after emergency room staff would not remove the fetal tissue amid a confusing legal landscape that has roiled obstetric care.  
As many as 30% of pregnancies end in miscarriage, the spontaneous demise of a fetus, commonly because of chromosomal abnormalities.

Update 7-18-22:   One physician challenged the underpants monitors saying sometimes abortion is medically necessary.

Update 8-1-22:  Underpants monitors are happy to force young girls to give birth when their body is not ready and at great risk for lifelong harm.

Update 8-21-22:  At least one mother is carrying an nonviable baby just to bury it, courtesy of the underpants monitors.

Update 9-4-22:  Red Team Texas Governor Greg Abbott initially said his administration would catch and jail rapists to keep women from having an unwanted babies. There were 13,327 reported rapes in Texas in 2020, but only 1,828 arrests for rape.  His plan B is Plan B.

Update 9-13-22:  Underpants monitor Lindsey Graham (Red Team- South Carolina) introduced a bill in the U.S. Senate to interfere with difficult medical decisions some women have to make in conjunction with their loved ones and doctors.