Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Red Team's Hostile Takeover

The Republican National Committee has been acquired by the Trump campaign.  The hostile takeover resulted in mass firings, the installation of pet people and a trashing of old priorities in favor of "All Trump, All the Time."  Petty dictators love control and prize loyalty.  

RNC senior leaders are gone.  Lower ranking people were fired or told to reapply for their jobs.  The new guard wants a leaner, more aggressive operation, one that leverages political experience.

Dang, Americans get enough of this at work, especially if their employer has been taken over by a private equity underwriter (PEU).  

Do assholes have to run everything?  Apparently so. 

Politicians Red and Blue love PEU and increasingly, more are one.

Update 3-14-24:  The Red Team is divided amongst itself.  Less than half of House Republicans RSVP'd to an invitation for their annual retreat.