Sunday, February 2, 2025

Emperor Trump Flings Tariffs

Trump II, the digital Caligula, gave a thumb's down on Canada and Mexico by instituting new tariffs on goods from our trading partners.  WSJ called it "the dumbest trade war in history."

The political Red Team once had "free trade" as a core tenet and touted its "dollar extender" benefits.  No more.  Candidate Donald promised to bring down prices.  President Trump is doing the exact opposite.

A 25% tariff is an additional tax on the American consumer.  Trump's stable of billionaire supporters, private equity underwriters (PEU) and TechGods don't pay 25% on their obscene wealth.

How can Canada and Mexico get back in $TRUMP's good graces?  Do their Central Banks buy meme coins?  

Trump accepts various forms of fealty.  Friends have to be especially fawning.  Hear that Canada and Mexico?

Update 2-3-25:  Former Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell noted on Trump's tariffs:

“It will drive the cost of everything up. In other words, it will be paid for by American consumers. I mean, why would you want to get in a fight with your allies over this?”

Trump postponed the enactment of his tariffs on Canada and Mexico for 30 days.

Profits from insider trading will be taxed at a rate below Trump's 25% tariffs.  Trump wanted no testing during the COVID pandemic.  I'm sure he wants none of his people looked at for insider trading.  No investigation, no findings.