Political candidates in the U.S. aren't known for telling the truth. But committing outright lies against one's opponent, how could that be rewarded in America? By not being punished, that's how.
In Ohio, the range of penalties for spreading falsehoods during a campaign is rather small for the Commission charged with enforcement. They can do nothing, issue a letter of reprimand or refer the case to courts for prosecution. In a hotly contested and ugly race the Commission found both candidates guilty of infractions, but imposed no penalties. That could lead one to believe there are rules, but they're not enforced.
The article tried to justify lying by calling it "spin", which makes the political definition of misrepresentation sound justifiable. "But your honor, I was only giving spin." The end result is elected leaders lie and cheat to win. We've seen it before in America's boardrooms with stock option backdating. There the shareholders suffer from executive malfeasance. Here the voting public gets inaccurate information on which to make critical leadership choices. Either way the small person gets the shaft.
How can we vote for truth, honesty and the American way if it's not modeled in campaigns? We can't. The Supermen are long gone from the U.S. leadership stage, in their place are a bunch of Lex Luthors.