It seems Rudy Giuliani already failed on his campaign promise to the boy in New Hampshire to protect America from aliens from outer space. The leader of a huge group with aspirations to return to their extra-terrestrial roots (thus leaving the rest of humanity behind) just endorsed Rudy's Presidential bid. Considering Rev. Pat's resemblance to ET and Rudy's to the bald, pro-torture alien, might these gentlemen be in cahoots in more ways than a simple political endorsement? Pat grew fond of Rudy during a long airplane ride to Israel. Is Rudy the guy who can pull strings to get his newest supporter back in on the Christian development on the Sea of Galilee? That is, if Rev. Robertson's praying last summer with Israeli P.M. Ehud Olmert for victory didn't already do the trick. Funny how Pat prayed with the Israeli leader while Mr. Olmert preyed on Lebanese Christians. I bet they agree on two things, the Freedom to be a Christian and the Freedom to do business internationally...