Ex-White House Homeland Security Advisor, Frances Townsend spoke on al Qaeda at the New America Foundation. Some of her remarks referenced the Presidential election.
Townsend reminds that Al Qaeda has linked attacks to political changes in Spain and Britain, though she stops short of saying that there may be an attack in the next few weeks. “Couple their understanding with geopolitics and their obvious intent to try to influence it with the current economic crisis.”
What obvious intent to influence it with the current economic crisis? The meltdown came courtesy of poor lending practices, Las Vegas style financial products, and big money boys hoarding their chips. I've heard the welfare mother accusation, but not the terrorist-Wall Street link.
Townsend finishes up by worrying about counterterrorism “complacency” in the next administration — and while she says the point stands “regardless of who’s elected” it’s pretty obviously a dig at Sen. Barack Obama.
The SEC, Treasury and Federal Reserve Bank complacency helped foster the current crisis. Is Homeland Security similarly infected? Fran and her replacement don't think so.
Townsend reminds that Al Qaeda has linked attacks to political changes in Spain and Britain, though she stops short of saying that there may be an attack in the next few weeks. “Couple their understanding with geopolitics and their obvious intent to try to influence it with the current economic crisis.”
What obvious intent to influence it with the current economic crisis? The meltdown came courtesy of poor lending practices, Las Vegas style financial products, and big money boys hoarding their chips. I've heard the welfare mother accusation, but not the terrorist-Wall Street link.
Townsend finishes up by worrying about counterterrorism “complacency” in the next administration — and while she says the point stands “regardless of who’s elected” it’s pretty obviously a dig at Sen. Barack Obama.
The SEC, Treasury and Federal Reserve Bank complacency helped foster the current crisis. Is Homeland Security similarly infected? Fran and her replacement don't think so.