Saturday, November 1, 2008

Ari's Team Winding Down, Whimper or Bang?

How will the Bush/Cheney team go out, quietly or to the sound of war cannon? Days before the election, President George W. Bush has been in hiding. The usually secretive V.P. Dick Cheney emerged from his man-sized safe to endorse John McCain.

DICK CHENEY: And in three days we'll choose a new steward for the presidency and begin a new chapter in our history. It's the biggest decision that we make together as Americans. A lot turns on the outcome. I believe the right leader for this moment in history is Senator John McCain. John is a man who understands the danger facing America. He's a man who has looked into the face of evil and not flinched. He's a man who's comfortable with responsibility and has been since he joined the armed forces at the age of 17. He's earned our support and confidence, and the time is now to make him commander-in-chief. I'm delighted to support John McCain and I'm pleased that he's chosen a running mate with executive talent, toughness and common sense, our next vice president in Sarah Palin."

Promises of bipartisanship, cleaning up Washington...haven't we heard this before? John McCain's stump points sound surprisingly like the George W. Bush of 2000. We all know W. failed miserably as a "uniter, not a divider." Yet, Ari Fleischer and friends work hard to restore the Bush brand, even as the public treats it like Chinese infant formula.

Ari Fleischer, one of Bush's former press secretaries, said that although Bush is "not prone to talk about legacy," he and his closest advisers are confident that history "will remember him well."

"Would he like to be more popular?" Fleischer added. "Of course he would. Of course it bugs him. But it doesn't guide him or drive him."

After eight long years in office, George W. feels the same. Washington didn't change him, but it snatched his campaign promise to unite the country from his able hands. Bush stated:

"I said, 'You know, I'm not going to change as a person because of politics or Washington' -- that's what I said when I left," Bush said. "I think they appreciate that. I want them to know that, you know, even though I had to deal with a lot of tough issues, that I'm still the same person that they knew before and that, you know, I'm wiser, more experienced, but my heart and my values didn't change."

Really? The alternative view involves Bush shedding the uniter promise like a used condom. In eight years George W. achieved his aim. He made a whole lot of money for his friends. History will prove which view is right and since his rich friends publish the books, there be it.