A senior member of the Obama administration said Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas will announce the start of direct peace negotiations with Israel in only "a matter of days." Was that Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel?
The Quartet will call for will call for the establishment of a Palestinian state based on the 1967 borders within a year or two. If that sounds familiar, it should. The Arab League proposed such a peace in 2002.
Israel remains aloof, according to Haaretz:
Israeli officials are trying to show toughness regarding preconditions. "Israel is not willing to agree to any preconditions from the back door via a Quartet announcement that will serve as a basis for the negotiations."
Yet, the rush to the negotiating table implies something. Israel has a history of tying up its neighbors prior to making war in the region. Quartet envoy Tony Blair has a history of spilling the beans. My guess is they have him muzzled.