Friday, July 12, 2024

Commander Insight on Biden

The Blue Team is wrestling with the reaction from President Biden's disastrous debate.  Insiders have questioned how Biden's deterioration had been kept hidden away.  CNN reported:

Biden’s appearance in California struck attendees as starkly different from a fundraising gala he attended in March at Radio City Music Hall in New York, one Democrat guest told CNN, when Biden appeared on stage with Obama and former President Bill Clinton.

“There is a marked difference in the president from the spring to the summer,” a senior Democrat told CNN. “He’s just not the same.”

It turns out President Biden is not open to advice from advisors.  Family is the key in decisions going forward and they've circled the wagons.

One Biden adviser, however, said that the first lady and the president’s sister, Valerie Biden Owens, are the only figures in the president’s orbit who could ultimately persuade him to exit the race, and only if they had hard data. 

Biden is not know for acting with hard data, at least in the case of his dog Commander.  Fox News reported:

Commander, the Bidens’ two-year-old German Shepherd, reportedly bit Secret Service personnel at least 24 times before he was removed from the White House.

CNN added clarification around the 24 incidents:

That number does not include additional incidents CNN has previously reported involving executive residence staff and other White House workers.
In other words, Biden has staff.  Any decent person would have had the dog euthanized after the second biting incident.  Not Joe Biden.

The incidents took place inside and outside of the White House residence, but also at Biden family homes in Wilmington and Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, at Camp David, and in Nantucket, Massachusetts, where the first family spends the Thanksgiving holiday.

The Nantucket home is owned by Carlyle Group co-founder David Rubenstein, a politically connected private equity underwriter (PEU).  Biden's Cabinet is chock full of PEUs and the man who prepped Joe for the debate is one too (Ron Klain).  Klain took heat for not revealing the President's mental decline to Blue Team insiders.

Biden wants to remain Commander-in-Chief.  There may be two Commanders hanging out longer than they should.  It's a mistake treating voters like White House staff.

Update 7-14-24:  Politico reported:

Biden raised his voice over House Dem commander-in-chief concerns: ‘I don’t want to hear that crap.’