Thursday, July 4, 2024

July 4th Sees U.S. Returning to its Roots

The United States of America was formed by white men who owned land.  Thomas Jefferson penned the Declaration of Independence in 1776.  Two years prior Jefferson inherited 11,000 acres of land and 135 slaves from his father in law.  Later in life a dear friend's will provided Jefferson enough money to free his slaves, making that a condition of acceptance.  Jefferson refused.  The ideals of the younger Jefferson fell aside under the profit making needs of Jefferson the older.

Today the United States is characterized by a number of Supreme Court rulings.  Money has been judged free speech.  Those with more money have more speech. Carlyle Group co-founder David Rubenstein owns twelve original copies of the Declaration of Independence.  One has been displayed at Jefferson's Monticello.  Rubenstein's family office bears the name Declaration Partners.

The Supreme Court recently eliminated a number of public safeguards.  The President now has sovereign immunity and can break the law in conducting his official duties.  There can be no examination of motive much less actual criminal behavior.  

Government agencies once had priority in court cases regarding regulations.  No more.  The balance of power has shifted to those already with more money, power and influence.  

The Red and Blue political teams insist on pushing extremely flawed Presidential candidates.  Voters cannot unsee what little Trump did to stem the violence he incited on January 6th.  We cannot unsee Biden's debate implosion on June 27th, especially those with relatives suffering from cognitive decline.  

The Red team wants me to vote for a serial liar and abuser, one with total immunity in a second term.  Not going to happen.  Trump 1 had a pandemic purge.  Trump 2 looks like a societal purge with his "Second American Revolution."   Revolution?  The one where he takes an oath to defend the Constitution using unconstitutional means and methods?  That's worthy of a King or Middle East dictator.

The Blue team wants me to vote for a diminished octogenarian while ignoring legitimate concerns about Biden's mental capacity.   The Blues went low calling such people "bed-wetters."  Who's the 81 year old acting like a nursing home patient?  Maybe Joe knows bed-wetting.  Maybe he doesn't.  Maybe he can't remember.  It feels like the twilight of the Biden Presidency. 

Today, let's set that aside and celebrate our country's white male landowners claiming independence from King George.  Tomorrow we can worry about the race to be our new King and the problematic people seeking that office and to whom they are beholden. 

Update 7-6-24:   America deserves better candidates, much better.  The Reds and Blues are recalcitrant to feedback, i.e learning.