Wednesday, March 25, 2009

South Africa Once Taught the World Peace

South Africa banned the Dalai Lama through 2010, when the country holds the World Cup soccer championship. They don't want to offend large trading partner China. Here's the lesson:

Trade and politics are more important than world peace.

South Africa provided more uplifting lessons in the past. They voluntary disarmed a nuclear weapon arsenal. They conducted truth & reconciliation over the horrors of Apartheid.

Meanwhile China continues to threaten the world with poor quality products. Every time someone opens a medicine bottle with Chinese made ingredients, it's Russian roulette. American branded global corporations taught China about greed. Chinese managers are quick studies on substituting cheaper inputs. American managers substitute cheap Asian labor. Chinese managers substitute dangerous, less expensive ingredients in pet food, tires, cough syrup, infant formula, heparin, milk, and children's toys. What's next?

Substitute "economic peace" for peace. Yes, that makes things clear. The state of world greedership and bleedership is most concerning.