Thursday, August 21, 2008

FBI/KGB Needs Objective, Not Suspicion

New rules promulgated by the Federal Bureau of Investigation allow the intelligence agency to open a national security or criminal investigation on a citizen without reasonable suspicion. The privacy bar has been lowered, such that the FBI needs but a "valid purpose" for an investigation.

When John McCain looks into Vladimir Putin's eyes, he sees KGB. What does he see in the cornea of Attorney General Mukasey or the iris of President George W. Bush's?

Congress served as the enabler of privacy's destruction. With each overhaul of intelligence laws, Bush's team pushed the boundary. Mukasey rationalized his department's latest move.

He called it an effort to “integrate more completely and harmonize the standards that apply to the F.B.I.’s activities.” Differing standards, he said, have caused confusion for field agents.

Note he didn't say laws. FBI practices already pushed beyond that envelope. Welcome to the United States, an endemic spying society. The Carlyle Group's Booz, Allen, Hamilton appreciates the business.